

An anthology series that follows a group of eccentric characters and their encounters with supernatural creatures in muggy South Florida.

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An anthology series that follows a group of eccentric characters and their encounters with supernatural creatures in muggy South Florida.

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Trailer Criblore


Creator: Moon Ferguson


Criblore is an anthology series set in the muggy swamplands and beaches of Miami and Fort Lauderdale. The series follows different characters and their encounters with supernatural beings. Each episode is a spooky twist and lesson infused with the Black culture of South Florida.

Episodes Criblore

Season 1

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Chapter I: The Candy Lady

Two siblings find themselves trapped in a sweet and sugary house after searching for food.
Two siblings find themselves trapped in a sweet and sugary house after searching for food.
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Chapter II: Black Mary

A home nurse learns a frightening secret about the home of her new patient. #Criblore
A home nurse learns a frightening secret about the home of her new patient. #Criblore
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Chapter III: Super Gremlin

Jamal is a budding football player, and his best friend, Coco, is desperate to play...
Jamal is a budding football player, and his best friend, Coco, is desperate to play the game.
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It's the night of Taurus's feed and the Sheriff Virgo antagonizes her by parading his...
It's the night of Taurus's feed and the Sheriff Virgo antagonizes her by parading his new toy.
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Chapter V: Marshwater Moon

Reggie Woods gets stuck in the swamps after his last drop. But the nice old...
Reggie Woods gets stuck in the swamps after his last drop. But the nice old lady that lets him in is more than what meets the eye.
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Chapter VI: Six to The Bottom

Lance has been saving up for bottom grillz for a while. But when he finally...
Lance has been saving up for bottom grillz for a while. But when he finally gets them, it brings him more than what he expected.
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Chapter VII: Florida Water

Micah is all about the bachelor lifestyle despite his nuptials. He meets a mysterious woman...
Micah is all about the bachelor lifestyle despite his nuptials. He meets a mysterious woman who makes him more truthful than ever.
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Chapter VIII: Donk Ryder

Boo and Diamond are on the run from the police after hitting a lick. When...
Boo and Diamond are on the run from the police after hitting a lick. When they find their potential getaway car, it comes to life and taunts them.